Comments on: We Couldn’t Resist Talking About GameStop Financial Education from Interactive Brokers Fri, 21 Jun 2024 19:34:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tony Frank Fri, 07 Jun 2024 19:16:16 +0000 What happens when the music stops playing?

By: Anonymous Thu, 06 Jun 2024 01:39:56 +0000 I didn’t get the same take from this as you. My comprehension was they were saying that the current activity and position posting by this account was intended to fuel a squeeze higher. This account posting daily shows it is expected this will be a short term trade for them. Not a long term investment and the podcast was about this current activity not GMEs trashy fundamentals. Piece of advice if you’re interested from someone that started trading at 21 years old and is now 47 and I’ve only ever traded my own money for a living starting stake of $5000. Don’t try to pick a Phoenix rising from the ash. Go to Vegas and play slots. At least they’ll give you drinks and a steak when you lose.

By: Rebecca C Wed, 05 Jun 2024 23:46:42 +0000 Your podcast was very frustrating for me to listen to in its entirety. As a long term investor in Gamestop, I take offense to the assumption that I am only in this for a short squeeze. I think you are missing the bigger picture. I’m here for a turnaround, a phoenix rising from the ashes. Ryan Cohen entering the picture was the beginning. He has said that they are changing the direction of the companies future. He also said that he prefers to let his actions speak for themselves. I think what he has accomplished so far is incredible! Now that the bleeding has slowed, they are actively looking for their next direction. Gamestop recently started a new line of affordable, high quality equipment (CandyCon) and have ventured into rating as well as providing a physical location to appraise, buy and sell trading cards. I believe that is just the tip of the iceberg. Gaming is a huge industry; they simply need to find a new niche. With 2 billion dollars on hand for acquisitions and future endeavors, I am hopeful that Gamestop will succeed. If you go back to the beginning, Keith’s analysis involved potential for the business to recover, reinvent and save itself from bankruptcy. Clearly Gamestop had major issues and obstacles to overcome, but the negative sentiment was excessive. They were actively shorting when the stock price was 4 dollars a share! At one point I believe the market cap was half of their cash on hand! Not only was it being shorted but it was shorted to an extreme… reportedly up to 140% of the free float. That is excessive and abusive. There is a long history of short sellers targeting companies and ultimately causing their demise, for no gain other than lining the pockets of the people betting against these companies. Please look into Susanne Trembath, the author of naked, short and greedy. Also, Wes Christian, an attorney who has been actively involved in exposing and litigating against abusive naked short selling practices. My position in Gamestop makes up approximately 3-5 percent of my total portfolio. The rest is nicely diversified, with a combination of ETFs, cash and a few individual stocks. My investment in Gamestop is different… I genuinely care. I vote my shares, pay attention to press releases, I tune in for shareholder meetings and earning reports. I am actively involved and I’m not the only one. I think that is part of what makes Gamestop unique. There are many of us who simply want the company to succeed and are here for the journey, regardless of what the stock price does from day to day. My reason for owning the stock has not yet come to fruition, therefore, I am not ready to sell. If my investment helps draw light to abusive practices in the market, that’s just the silver lining. Could you argue that Roaring Kitty posting his Gamestop stock holdings and call options was a warning? Assuming that the majority are naked and unhedged.. could this be an opportunity for whoever sold those contracts to prepare for him to execute?
