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Show Us Your Portfolio: Andy Constan

Posted September 19, 2023 at 10:00 am
Validea Capital Management

In this episode of Show Us Your Portfolio, we speak with Damped Spring Advisors founder Andy Constan. Andy has spent his career working at some of the most successful firms in the asset management industry, including Bridgewater and Brevan Howard and he explains how the lessons he has learned throughout his career led to how he constructs his portfolio today. We discuss how he combines a risk parity approach with alpha seeking strategies to maximize long-term returns and minimize risk. We also cover Andy’s current view on stocks and bonds, factor investing, international diversification and a lot more.

  • 02:46 – Andy’s goals with his portfolio
  • 04:44 – Andy’s views on retirement
  • 06:40 – Building a multi-asset portfolio
  • 08:24 – An all weather portfolio strategy
  • 12:04 – Adding an additional allocation to alpha generating assets
  • 16:15 – The importance of knowing yourself
  • 18:46 – The specifics of Andy’s all weather strategy
  • 24:50 – The challenge of compliance restrictions
  • 27:04 – Andy’s views on active management
  • 29:53 – Andy’s views on international exposure
  • 33:43 – Prudently using leverage
  • 41:15 – Andy’s view of the current macro landscape
  • 45:48 – Andy’s view on leaving money to children
  • 49:19 – Things Andy spends money on to increase his enjoyment of life
  • 52:55 – The one lesson Andy would teach the average investor

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Originally Posted September 14, 2023 – Show Us Your Portfolio: Andy Constan

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